Bright shiny color, super yields and mild flavor make Lola sweet banana pepper a star. Fruits mature early on easy-to-grow plants that are widely adapted and disease resistant. Extra-large fruits are smooth and straight, measuring 7.5 – 8” long by 1.5 – 1.75” wide at the shoulder. Lola matures from light yellow to orange to bright red and is sweet and crunchy with firm, thick walls when picked at any stage. The plants are medium-tall, with good cover so fruit are protected from the elements. Expect maturity in about 65-70 days from transplant. HR: X spp: 0-3, 7, 8 \\ IR: TSWV.
- Early maturing fruit on easy-to-grow plants
- Sweet, crunchy and firm fruit
- Good fruit cover protects from the elements